Saturday, January 1, 2011

Zutto - NEWS


作詞: 近藤ナツコ 作曲: 上野浩司
星くずを 散りばめた 空の下を 歩いた帰り道

二人きり まだ少し ぎこちなくて 会話もとぎれがちだけど

つないだ手と手 つながる時間 君の言葉の一つ一つから

つたわる想い 今にも泣き出しそうな瞳に できること


君のこと 強く抱きしめていたいから

ずっとずっと そばにいて

君がいる それだけで 優しくなれるから

何度でも 今なら 言えそうな言葉

それでもまだ 言えなくて

ドアまでの距離 少し この手を離す時

思わず肩を引き寄せた もう少しだけ ここにいよう


君のこと 強く抱きしめていたいから

ずっとずっと そばにいて

君がいる それだけで 優しくなれるから

何度でも 今なら 言えそうな言葉

「ずっと 一緒にいたい」と

Hoshi kuzu wo chiribameta sora no shita wo aruita kaerimichi

Futari kiri mada sukoshi gikochi nakute kaiwa motogire ga chi dakedo

Tsunaidate to te tsunagaru jikan kimi no kotoba no hitotsu hitotsu kara

Tsutawaru omoi ima ni mo nakidashi sou na hitomi ni dekiru koto

Hoshi-tachi mo mite iru kono basho de

Kimi no koto tsuyoku dakishimete itai kara

Zutto zutto soba ni ite

Kimi ga iru sore dake de yasashi kunareru kara

Nando demo ima nara ie sou na kotoba

Sore demo mada ie nakute

DOA made no kyori sukoshi kono te wo hanasu toki

Omowazu kata wo hiki yoseta mou sukoshi dake koko ni iyou

Hoshi-tachi mo mite iru kono basho de

Kimi no koto tsuyoku dakishimete itai kara

Zutto zutto soba ni ite

Kimi ga iru sore dake de yasashiku nareru kara

Nando demo ima nara ie sou na kotoba

“Zutto issho ni itai” to


Under the starry sky
We walked home
Still a little uncomfortable being alone together
Our conversation tended to trail off

Your hand in mine, the time we spend together
And your each and every word
Tells me how you feel
Even now you're about to cry, and all I can do for you...

Here where we watch the stars
I want to hold you tightly
So stay by my side forever and ever
Because just having you with me makes me gentle

Now I feel I can say the words over and over
But I still can't say them

The distance to the door
When you let go of my hand a little
I put my arm around your shoulders and drew you close
Let's stay here just a little longer

Here where we watch the stars
I want to hold you tightly
So stay by my side forever and ever
Because just having you with me makes me gentle

Now I feel I can say the words over and over
"I want to be with you forever"
cr: jpopasia

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